Italian Jewish Heritage. Knowledge, Transfer, Authorization
Venezia - Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi
La Fondazione Levi ospita la Summer School 2024 ‘Italian Jewish Heritage. Knowledge, Transfer, Authorization’ organizzata dal Juedisches Kulturerbe a Venezia.
Le lezioni tratteranno del patrimonio culturale in tutte le sue manifestazioni: dai resti tangibili della vita ebraica alle forme intangibili delle espressioni culturali e religiose degli ebrei in Europa. L’attenzione si concentra sul patrimonio ebraico dell’Italia.
Il pubblico esterno potrà partecipare solamente alle Keynote [Invitation Keynote Lectures_Summer School SPP 2357]
Sunday, 15. September
16:30 Opening of Summer School by Prof. Sarah Ross
17:00 Keynote 1 by Prof. Shaul Bassi
Monday, 16. September
09:30 Unit 1: Introduction to Italian Jewish History (Prof. Shulamit Furstenberg-Levi)
11:30 Unit 2: Integrating Notions from Critical Heritage Studies to the Discussion on Italian Jewish Heritage: An interactive session on relevant concepts and aspects (Prof. Sarah Ross)
14:30 Unit 3: Introduction to the Specificities of Italian Jewish Culture and Heritage (Prof. Francesco Spagnolo)
16:30 Meeting with Rabbi Alberto Sermoneta
Tuesday, 17. September
11:00-14:00 City Tour 1
15:00 Unit 4: Teacher/Student “speed dating”: Students give pitches of 2 minutes max. about their research/dissertations and highlight relevant aspects concerning Critical Heritage Studies. Teachers give short feedback.
18:00 Keynote 2 by Dr. Sandra Anusiewicz-Baer
Wednesday, 18. September
09:30 Unit 5: Student/Teacher “One-O-One Meetings”
14:30 Unit 6: Student presentations
Thursday, 19. September
09:30 Unit 7: Integrating Living Jewish Heritage and Scholarship (Rabbi Prof. Joseph Levi)
11:00 Unit 8: Students’ presentation I: On what thoughts, ideas, and approaches they take home and integrate into their dissertations/projects
14:30 Unit 9: Students’ presentation II: On what thoughts, ideas, and approaches they take home and integrate into their dissertations/projects
17:00 End of Summer School